Renewable methanol production for the shipping industry

Delivering an adaptable, renewable and environmentally-friendly solution for marine transportation

Today, marine transportation is primarly driven by diesel engines

0 %
Of total EU GHG emissions are represented by shipping
0 %
Of the transport sector EU GHG emissions are represented by shipping

Methanol can play a key role in decreasing GHG emissions in global shipping

Switching from conventional fossil-based maritime fuels to methanol based on current technologies will already decrease GHG emissions significantly, with up to 70% of savings.

M²ARE aims at producing a new grade of low-cost and low-carbon methanol, based on biogenic CO₂ and renewable H₂

The overall ambition is to deliver a TRL-7 European methanol synthesis process by 2027, to support the needs of the global shipping sector in reducing its CO₂ emissions.

Concept overview

The work of M²ARE will lead to

Reduction of

CO₂ emissions by 2030

0 %
CO₂ emissions by 2040
0 %

Support for reaching maritime methanol production targets

MTa by 2030
MTa by 2040
MTa by 2050

Contribution to

Sustainable Development Goals
EU Regulation: FuelEU Maritime Regulation

M²ARE partners



M2ARE Press Release

M2ARE: Maritime Methanol – Adaptable, Renewable and Environmentally friendly: Reducing marine fuel CO2 emissions by more than 80%

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